Goldfish with Enlarged Heads: An In-Depth Look

The unique features of goldfish can be captivating, but when they develop an enlarged head or “big”, this may raise concerns and questions for aquarium enthusiasts. The article explores the issue of goldfish having enlarged or goldfish with big head. It also discusses the causes, health concerns, and ways to properly care for this unique fish.

1. Goldfish Heads with Enlarged Heads:

The cause of enlarged heads in goldfish is a combination of factors including genetics or growth anomalies. Below are some of the most common reasons.

a. Breeding Genetics

The prominent head growths of some goldfish varieties like Ranchu and Lionhead are easily identifiable. These “wens” (or “hoods”) are genetic traits which can evolve over time.

b. Tumor-Like Growths:

Some goldfish develop tumour-like growths in their head, causing them to appear larger. These growths are benign and, in rare instances, can even be malignant.

c. Overfeeding:

Obesity can be caused by overfeeding goldfish. This causes them to accumulate excess fat throughout their bodies and heads. The result can be an enlarged or swollen head.

d. Dropsy:

A condition called dropsy causes swelling of various body parts, such as the head. This condition is often the result of another health problem such as kidney issues or bacterial infection.

2. Impact on Health:

Goldfish that have an enlarged head may not be suffering from any underlying problems. Their condition could simply be due to genetics, or breed-specific characteristics. But others can suffer health complications as a result.

a. Breathing difficulties:

The respiration of goldfish may be affected by their large head growths. They can have their head growths partially obstructing the gill cover, making it more difficult to draw oxygen from water.

b. Vision Impairment:

Goldfish can have difficulty locating food, and navigating their surroundings, when they are suffering from enlarged head growths.

c. Infections:

A goldfish’s immunity may be compromised due to head growths. This makes them more vulnerable to diseases and bacterial infections.

3. Goldfish Heads with Enlarged Sizes:

You should take special care of your goldfish if you notice that its head is enlarged.

Ideal Tank Conditions

To ensure the good health of your fish, you should keep a tank that is clean and well filtered.

b. Adequate space:

You should provide enough swimming room in the tank for your goldfish. This is especially important if you have goldfish with head growths. Do not overcrowd your tank.

Proper Nutrition

Goldfish should be fed a diet of high-quality pellets or flakes. Avoid overfeeding your goldfish, since obesity can worsen head growth.

Regular Monitoring

Watch your goldfish closely to see if it changes its behavior or appearance. You should consult an expert fish keeper or vet if your goldfish shows signs of distress.

e. New additions to Quarantine:

To prevent disease spreading to goldfish, you should quarantine any new fishes or plants that are added to the aquarium.

Consult with a veterinarian

You should consult an experienced veterinarian who treats fish if you believe that the head growths on your goldfish are causing discomfort or health problems.


The addition of goldfish that have enlarged heads to your aquarium can make it a very interesting and unique piece. Other head changes may be due to underlying medical conditions. It is essential to provide your goldfish with optimal care, and monitor their well-being. Maintaining a clean, balanced aquarium and seeking out professional advice when required will ensure your goldfish enjoys an enjoyable and healthy aquatic life.